Monday, May 09, 2011


There are so many modes available in the things that man design. Say for example, a mobile in hand, it has so many modes and features. Man designs and keeps on designing many options for one thing as otherwise people would not opt for the thing designed by him.

The creator of man also made many options, all kind of species and all kind of varieties in human race but no option for one heart. There is only one-to-one relationship that a human being knits with other human being. This one-to-one may work with one and will not work for other. This is how this cob-web is. So, many human beings and so many one-to-one make this. But lovely isn't it. Some confusions are baffling but beautiful inside.

But there is no stabilizer in place that God created like man has created to keep slave always a slave. Man's heart once slave may not always be as there is no stabilizer. Stabilizer to greed, possession, obsession, hatred, affection, affliction and so on. I wish God had made this stabilizer thing or a mode inside human being to judge hearts and the souls.

Everyday in the morning I come across a cross way where there are 5 possible traffic flows and huge traffic to Electronic City has to be managed by Traffic Policemen. Most of the traffic to Electronic City is from the lane through which I have to drive. When Policemen raises his arm to stop the traffic in my lane everyone in sync says Oh Shittt ... Then everyone relaxes and turns Off the vehicles with a tik - tik sound (sound of turning keys). As soon as the opposite side lane gets Green signal and everyone knows that Its our turn now all all the drivers make a dog face. It is funny and I share a loud gaffow within myself that I also look like a dog that waits for a biscuit to get from its master. How much that Traffic Policeman enjoys those faces I can well judge from his face. As soon as his expression just changes with his body language that he is about to throw the biscuit the vehicles front to back like a chain-reaction.

How stabilized and regular this complete scene is. But If I go to the dog faces' minds those are alwsys occupied with the big city dreams, immense thoughts and next idea how to destabilize the life to put a long run stabilizer :) ... I hope it is well understood.

1 comment:

harry said...

"all the drivers make a dog face..."
lol...made me laugh...very well described !!!!