Thursday, December 11, 2008

A thing called “love”

When I look around and see people who have found love in their lives, instead of my heart pumping out, my brain faces a swarm of questions. By the time I try to understand where do my line of thinking lie, a strange feeling traps me. I keep on questioning my self and some of the few friends on whose brain, there is a living hold of my questions about this amazingly strange thing called “love”.

A person who is never getting his friend’s attention and taken for granted every time still loves this girl. This form of love exists between a person who loves loving madly and a person who does not care about giving love and maniac when sees a second went amiss without getting attention. I scratch my head and loose concepts puzzled with the words “love is give and take”.

Another case is Mr or Ms Perfect after totally a nasty fellow. One is ten out of ten in all respects and the partner is looser in each one corner they define of their lives. But still this strange thing called “love” exists between the two. Isn’t it amazing?

Like every relationship it demands

May this truth be denied by millions that they don’t fall in love. But the magic moment thrills everybody. But the big question is “When”. When do one actually feels it.

On a beautiful evening…
With the clouds embracing orange sun…
When the sun is thinking to sleep..
And let the beautiful night treat…

Treat all the beautiful hearts….
Hearts in search….
Hearts left in lurch…
Hearts at peace…
Hearts possessing hearts…

Sun in a strange dilemma questions moon….
When I am gone you will take my place….
I am the one who fills dark space…

On this moon smiles and says…
If there is a dark space waiting for light….
I bet there are spaces waiting for darkness for life…

This is called love…
It may be for darkness …
May be for light …
But surely for all a strong delight!!


Anonymous said...

Confused!!! I loved the short poem though.. :)

nimisha said...

You've caught me right. Because I am confused between two concepts... Calculative love and Emotional Love... Will talk to you sometimes...

Veena said...

Hmmm.. Interesting! Calculative Love and Emotional Love.. I'd go for the latter one but I guess some part of the former one co-exists with it.. There's no pure Emotional Love..

harry said...

See one more word discovered in today's world-"Calculated Love":)


And as per my experience expectations always kills:)
