Sunday, May 18, 2008

Paying and Displaying Regards

Daily while returning from the office, I keep looking outside from the window of my bus lost in the thoughts, hardly aware of what actually is happening outside the window. Most of the time I am thinking about the day spent in office and that most of the time trying to understand the theory of “paying and displaying regards”.
All the time this theory chases you like your shadow. But the darkness of the shadow keeps changing, I am glad. When I was small my parents taught me how to pay regards to the elder, to the people younger than you, to the people who are talented and to them who support you. But when I broke the shell constructed by the noble hands of my family and exposed to the world outside, I observed how to display regards; “paying regards” is now oblivious. In the beginning, I kept umbrage but gradually and very slowly gulped by this shadow.

In this world, if you really support your superiors, you are displaying regards and if you don’t then you don’t know how to climb up the ladder. Paying regards and the acceptance of the same is lost in the darkness. Harper Lee writes in her book “To kill a Mocking Bird” – “Before you learn to live with other folks you should learn to live with yourself.” Perhaps just displaying regards which is equivalent to disregard can be done only if you start living with a strange notion that cheats your self.

Somehow, it is the question of “Survival of the fittest” and the fittest are those in my outer world who have learnt to live with a strange notion.

Stars are beautiful and the shine is mighty
How they shine, answer knows Almighty…

If I head to conquer the shine they owe…
And I attempt to conquer the fame they owe…

I know it will be a short-lived charm…
The victory that has nothing but harm…

Somehow mankind has learnt to seek…
To seek and love a victory so meek…

A victory over the shine of the stars…
Concluded by covering sky by dark clouds to bar….

How can they be happy and joyous for long…
What if dark clouds take a path which is wrong…

Then the man would say sorry…
Oh sorry, Stars I know your glory…

Who am I to conquer you, so respectful…
Am I not the person as graceful….

Saying this, man shows the act of “displaying regards”…
This way man exonerates himself from not “paying regards”

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