It was Friday evening when all the News channels in an emulous act kept on focusing their cameras on a 60 feet deep pit in a village in district Kurukshetra. For the first time the name of my city “Kurukshetra” was seen on the news channels for the news other than “Suraj Grahan Mela” and “Geeta Jayanti Utsav”. A boy named Prince had fallen into that deep dark, merely 1 foot wide pit. Listening to the news, one first measures 60 feet by multiplying the wall of the house by 6 then snivels and cogitates about the narrowness of the pit and then about darkness. Mere thought of such situation haunts one’s mind and flashes of the Hollywood movies run through the eyes.
It took 48 hours for the army and medical team to take him out safely. In every news channel one could see the current situation. Our whole nation spent the weekend by sitting in front of TV, discussing the valor of Prince, a 5 years old child. The little boy deserves praise as it was not easy to survive inside that deep hole bored for the purpose of tube well. If a city bred boy was there he could have never been able to survive there because of high temperature, low oxygen, absence of light and fear of animals and insects. Those two days were spent watching interviews of those familiar faces and the video coverage of the hospital campus where we have spent 12 years after papa was posted to Kurukshetra. The first day, I enjoyed watching interviews of doctors who visit our place frequently being family friends.
Next morning, yes we were excited to know that whether the boy was rescued or not. But he was not. Okie.
Gradually, the whole episode that had to be a portion of news became just one news…breaking news, telecasted by all the news channels. The incident which I was comparing with a Hollywood movie scene turned out to be a Bollywood masala “maa kasam” kind of bathos. I agree that it was a news and the little boy was worthy of appreciation that he bagged. But it was not a news to be telecasted whole day whole night forgetting the Lebanon war and political make n’ break ups.
Few days back there was another news that blanketed the news channels; the news of a professor having affairs with his students. The media shew nothing but colossal dunce. Media is said to be a mirror reflecting our society and surroundings. I can now better describe it as an imbecilic spicy show that can attract and hold no other than loggerhead, illiterate and thoughtless portion of the society.
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