End of January, we went to Atlantic City, sin city of East Coast but less sinful then Las Vegas. It was a nice bright day and as the sun shone, the bare woods standing gaunt got some luster. Mannat drove and I as always lost in the woods and talking some times. That was a one lovely ride because of the weather and also because we went out together after a long time (2 months).
As we parked the car and took a walk by the sea, I saw few people because of cold wind. But to my surprise I saw more of elderly people than the young gangs. As we entered the casino, my first ever entry to a casino, I saw many many slot machines and I saw many many old people.
I saw how the white skin is loosened immensely under the burden of age. In my country, the country of wheatish-tone people I never saw that slack. I just thought may be the age healers available in my country are not available here. This is not about the creams I am writing about. Its about the human touch and the cosy family embraces available in my country.
Ok I do not disagree with the fact that its fading there too but highlighting the fact that atleast its present!
So, we started looking for a roulette table having a space for us. Mannat was finding that but my eyes were finding something else. There was noise and music and my ears were listening to quivering voices and eyes filled with those old and weak hands and my mind just drained all the expected glamour and filled with sadness.
It was the same sad feeling when as a nine year old I went to one of our family friend's daughter's wedding who was immensely beautiful and as I saw her groom who was not at all handsome, I was disappointed and strangely sad. I felt as if some injustice was done. As any other child I believed in match the column - beautiful and handsome; rich and money; good and pretty. Years passed and I found myself looking through the same glasses. A magnificent casino with young and beautiful - column matched. Sadly, I was wrong again.
Then my mind started thinking and thinking - do they need money or they want entertainment, but why with those boring slot machines why not with people around?? I kept struggling with my thoughts until I was awakened with the consecutive defeats. We came out of the casino and I just promised myself that no matter how much busy I am, I will never ever stop being in touch with friends I really love and my relatives.
Everyone has got their share of sorrows and their share of happiness. All of us have to fight it and all of us do see the gambling happen all around us. Some are defeated and some win. Playing on a slot machine all alone is no fun. I love the crowd around the roulette table who clap and pat when a person wins and winner jumps and screams and yet there are people who are jealous but atleast when I gamble till the end there is a human touch!